Monthly Archives: August 2009
Tangents & Normals II
Using cartesian coordinates to solve parabola questions.
lesson notes: 06 tangents & normals II
audio: 06 tangents & normals II
11X1 T12 06 tangents & normals II
View more documents from Nigel Simmons.
Tangents & Normals I
Finding tangents and normals using the parametric representation.
lesson notes: 05 tangents & normals I
audio: 05 tangents & normals I
11X1 T12 05 tangents & normals I
View more documents from Nigel Simmons.
Chords of a Parabola
Using the parametric coordinates to generalise the equation of a chord of the parabola.
lesson notes: 04 chords of a parabola
audio:04 chords of a parabola
11X1 T12 04 chords of a parabola
View more documents from Nigel Simmons.
Parametric Coordinates
The parametric form of a curve uses two equations to describe a curve and one number to identify a point, which is the opposite of what we normally see when using cartesian form.
lesson notes: 03 parametric coordinates
audio:03 parametric coordinates
View more documents from Nigel Simmons.