Manipulating an integrand to be in the form of derivative times function, allows integrals to be found using the basic idea of “add one to the power over the power”
lesson notes: 06 derivative times function
Manipulating an integrand to be in the form of derivative times function, allows integrals to be found using the basic idea of “add one to the power over the power”
lesson notes: 06 derivative times function
When an integral is too difficult to evaluate, an approximation is necessary.
lesson notes:05 trapezoidal rule
Using the definite integral to find the areas of unusual shapes
lesson notes:04 areas
With an indefinite integral we need to add a constant to the primitive function, as are final answer involves an unknown (x) and not a definite numerical value.
lesson notes: 03 indefinite integral
Looking at the rules for manipulating integrals
lesson notes:02 definite integral