4 thoughts on “A couple of random trials

  1. Hey mr simmons

    will harder 3 unit be in the 4u nit? since you said no harder inequalities will be in it?
    Will 4 unit maths induction be in there? or just sticking to the 3u ones? and keeping the circle geo?

  2. Harder 3 Unit will be in the trial.

    It could come from any Ext 1 topic except Perms & Combs, as we have already said that will not be in the trial.

    Harder Inequalities, no, as we have not specifically looked at that work.

    Induction, yes, it could be as we have looked at that.

  3. thats pretty sick we could get a harder 4u question on circle geo like the one in the new catholic trial which killed 6 men and 3 unborn children

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