Complex numbers cannot be placed on the number line as it has two components, (real & imaginary), so we need a two dimensional number line i.e. a number plane.
lesson notes:03 argand diagram
Complex numbers cannot be placed on the number line as it has two components, (real & imaginary), so we need a two dimensional number line i.e. a number plane.
lesson notes:03 argand diagram
Solving quadratic equations and finding the square root of a complex number.
lesson notes:02 solving quadratics
Introducing a new number system, the complex numbers, which opens up numerous new possibilities for solving problems.
lesson notes:01 arithmetic of complex numbers
Extending on the idea about the relationship between the roots and the coefficients of a quadratic throught o all polynomials.
lesson notes:06 roots & coefficients
Some useful results about polynomials
lesson notes:05 polynomial results